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Normal anatomy, OS and department of topographic anatomy

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Normal anatomy, OS and department of topographic anatomy

Normal anatomy, OS and department of topographic anatomy

The history of the "Fundamentals of Surgical Diseases and Pathology" department is directly related to the establishment and development stages of this higher educational institution. The Medical Center initially had the departments of Social and Humanities and General Medical Sciences, and later in 1994, the Department of Surgical Diseases was established. In 1994-1996, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor OS Siddikov. During these years, candidate of medical sciences B.B. Mirzayev (1992-1996), candidate of medical sciences N.I. Makhmudov (1992-1996), candidate of medical sciences, associate professor A.A. Abdulkhasanov (1992-1996), candidate of medical sciences I.K. To Ychiyev (1993-1996) worked.


Fattakhov Nusratullah Hamidullaevich - Head of the Department of "Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy" of Fergana Public Health Medical Institute. He was born in 1958 in the city of Margilan, Fergana region. In 1977-1983, he graduated from the Andijan State Medical Institute, and in 1983-1984, he completed an internship course in surgery. In 1984-1988, he worked as an expert surgeon in the city VME department of Margilan. In 1988-1992, he completed postgraduate studies at the Leningrad LIUVEK University. In 1992, at the Military Medical Academy, he defended his candidate's thesis "Late complications after acute frostbite in the legs and hands and examination of their suitability for medical work". In 1993-1997, he worked as a surgeon in a medical hospital belonging to FNQIZ. In 1997-2005, he worked as a surgeon expert in the polyclinic affiliated to the IIB of Fergana region. In 2005-2008, he worked as a teacher and then as the head of the Medical Department at the MIA Academy. He retired from the military in 2008. In 2020-2021, he worked as a senior teacher at the Department of Anatomy at TTAFF. Since September 2021, he has been working as the head of the department of FJSTI OXTA. During his career, he is the author of 2 educational manuals, 2 monographs, 7 methodological manuals, and 26 scientific articles. In 2022, he was awarded the scientific title of associate professor, taking into account his scientific achievements. Currently, he is conducting scientific research on the subject of his doctoral dissertation (Dsc) "Study of the synergistic features of nutrition and hirudotherapy to increase therapeutic efficiency in the prevention of hypertension".

Abdulkhakimov Arsen Renatovich, assistant of the department since 2021, was born on August 14, 1987 in Rishton district of Fergana region. In 2006-2013, he graduated from Andijan State Medical Institute, Faculty of Pediatrics, and in 2013-2016, he graduated from Andijan State Medical Institute. 2016-2021, doctor, pediatric surgeon, children's department of the Central Multidisciplinary Polyclinic of the Fergana City Medical Association. In 2021, he started working as an assistant at the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy of Fergana  Medical Institute of Public Health. Abdulkhakimov A.R. More than 60 scientific articles have been published in foreign and local journals, collections of scientific conferences. Among them, he co-authored 1 monograph, 6 teaching methodical manuals and 1 training manual.

Исраилов Мухамадсодик Солиевич родился 11.03.1971 г., Риштонский район Ферганской области 1988-1994 гг., студент Ташкентского института педиатрии, 1994-1995 гг., интернатура ВБШ, 1995-2020 гг., врач-ординатор ВБКТТМ, 2020 г. института, оперуполномоченный Начал работать ассистентом на кафедре хирургии и топографической анатомии. В 2022 году получил степень кандидата наук. Более 10 научных статей М. Исраилова опубликованы в зарубежных журналах и сборниках научных конференций. Исраилов М. подготовил ряд учебно-методических пособий, которыми студенты всегда эффективно пользуются.